Shilajit | Benefits, Side Effects, and Use | Herbs

Shilajit | Benefits, Side Effects, and Use | Herbs

What is Shilajit

Shilajit, a mineral-based extract, is pale brown to dark brown in color. It can be found in Himalayan rocks. Shilajit is composed of humus, organic materials, and fulvic acid. It contains more than 84 minerals, including zinc, copper, iron, and lead. This can help with chronic fatigue, tiredness, and lethargy as well as fatigue caused by diabetes. It has been shown to increase testosterone and improve male fertility. It can also be used to treat anemia and memory loss, it has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine in India. The compounds found in Shilajit appear to be beneficial for many conditions.

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Benefits of Shilajit

Low testosterone level

Shilajit is more than just a way to increase the quantity and quality of sperm. Regular consumption of Shilajit can result in high testosterone levels for men who take it regularly. It also improves mood and cognitive ability. The body can absorb high levels of testosterone, which protects muscle tissue and lowers body fat. If a person wants to live a healthy life and have a strong immune system, Shilajit is a must. It is a wonderful remedy for male sexual ability. It can also be used to naturally increase libido, sexual performance, and libido. Shilajit is an Ayurvedic remedy that can be used to improve sexual performance and libido.

Slow Aging

Shilajit works by slowing down the aging process and maintaining your vitality. Because fulvic acid is a key component of Shilajit, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It reduces cell damage and free radical production, which can both lead to aging.


Shilajit can be taken as a safe supplement for male infertility. A study showed that 60 men who were infertile took shilajit twice daily for 90 days, after eating. More than 60% of study participants saw an increase in their total sperm count after the 90-day period. Additionally, more than 12 percent of participants in the study experienced an increase in sperm motility.

Improves Brain Functioning

Shilajit’s primary ingredient is fulvic acid, an antioxidant. This powerful antioxidant helps to prevent the accumulation of tau proteins. Tau proteins are an essential part of your nervous system, and a buildup could cause brain cell damage.

Altitude Sickness

It can be used to alleviate altitude sickness. Some people can be severely affected by changes in pressure at high elevations. Altitude sickness can cause symptoms such as fatigue, body pain, and lung congestion. Shilajit, a complex substance, contains more than 80 minerals as well as fulvic and humic acids. Shilajit is believed to reduce altitude sickness symptoms due to its broad range of beneficial components.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety Levels

Shilajit can increase brain dopamine production. This can reduce stress and anxiety. It has a calming effect that can be felt throughout the body. The high levels of magnesium and potassium are responsible for this. These ingredients can relax your muscles and heart. This can reduce stress levels.


Cancer chemotherapy can create free radicals that can cause damage to normal cells in the area of the tumor. This makes cancer treatment difficult. The antioxidant properties of humic and fulvic acid found in Shilajit reduce the damage caused by free radicals. This reduces the pain associated with cancer treatment.

Heart health

The most important benefit of shilajit is its heart health benefits. It can increase levels of glutathione (an antioxidant). This is good news for your heart. Humic acid also lowers blood cholesterol which, in turn, reduces stroke risk.

Enhances performance

Studies show that Shilajit gives men energy and makes them feel happier about their bodies. The high nutrient content of Shilajit is the main reason for this. It works on a cellular level in order to increase the body’s energy production. This is why people who consume it may feel more energetic and recover quicker. Its cell nourishment is what causes this. It can be used as a powerful medicinal tool to improve your physical health. It aids in recovery from strenuous exercise. It can also help to increase strength and heal physical vulnerability. All of these factors ultimately contribute to better body functions. It can increase muscle mass and help you gain strength naturally.

Shilajit Side Effects

Although side effects from Shilajit are rare, they do occur occasionally. It can cause allergic reactions if taken excessively or for a prolonged period of time. You might experience itchiness, increased heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms. High doses of Shilajit may also cause an increase in the body’s levels of uric acid, which can lead to death. It should only be taken under the supervision and prescription of a doctor. People on blood pressure medication may find Shilajit to lower their blood pressure dangerous. To prevent blood pressure drops, people with heart disease and those with a history of hypotension should not take shilajit. This herb is safe and natural, but you should not consume unprocessed or raw shilajit. Raw shilajit can contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, and other contaminants that could make you sick. You can buy shilajit online or at a natural or healthy food store. Make sure it is clean and ready to use.

How to Use

Shilajit comes in powder, liquid, and capsule form. You can dissolve the liquid supplement into a small amount of rice or peas and then drink it one to three times per day, depending on the instructions. You can also take shilajit powder with milk twice daily. Most people can take 300-500mg per day. However, some people may need to consume even less. It may not be safe if you have any allergies or medical conditions.

If you are Looking for Pure Shilajit then here is an announcement for you iVate Ayurveda made Shilajit Capsules named Pure Himalayan Shilajit from pure Shilajit Resin collected from the valleys of the Himalayas just to cure and give the best solution for young People of Our Generation.

Shilajit Capsule

  • Take 1 Shilajit capsule.

  • It should be taken with lukewarm milk, two times per day after meals.

What are the benefits of taking Shilajit?

How does Shilajit improve energy levels?

Can Shilajit improve cognitive function?

How does Shilajit aid physical performance?

Does Shilajit have immune-boosting properties?

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Pure Shilajeet 30 Capsules

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Pure Shilajit 60


Shilajeet 60 Capsules

₹1,749.00 ₹2,499.00Men's Health, Sexual Wellness, Women's HealthAdd to Cart

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Tags: Blog, Healthy Life, How To Use Shilajit, Shilajit, Shilajit Benifits, Shilajit Capsules, Shilajit Side Effects